Arrears Installment Credited: Bank put the first installment of arrears of revised pay scale of employees

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There is good news for bank employees-officers. After the release of the arrears of the new pay scale by the state government, now the state cooperative bank has also released the installment of the revised pay scale. The same bonus has also been announced. Let us know the complete information about it.

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Himachal Pradesh State Cooperative Bank has released the first installment of arrears of revised pay scale to its 1,800 officers and employees.

The bank management has released 40 per cent of the total arrears as the first installment. Apart from this, on the occasion of Diwali, the bank management has also released one month’s additional salary as bonus.

On Thursday afternoon, on giving arrears and bonus, the bank’s employees union led by General Secretary Anil Chauhan met the bank’s President Khushiram Balnatah and thanked him.

He said that the bank has earned a net profit of 121 crores for the first time under the chairmanship of the chairman. On this occasion, Union’s Deputy General Secretary Varun Bhardwaj, Treasurer Bhuvneshwar Thakur, member Pranav Sharma and other officials and

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