550 Amrit Bharat Stations: Amrit Bharat Station Scheme was launched to develop the stations of Indian Railways. The ‘Roof Plaza’ is envisioned to be developed on the rooftops of the stations as a food court, a small play area for small children and a space for the sale of local products.
550 Amrit Bharat Stations: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will lay the foundation stone of 550 Amrit Bharat Stations on February 26 to improve the facilities at railway stations by developing ‘roof plazas’ and city centers at a cost of Rs 40,000 crore. Officials gave this information on Wednesday.
He said that the Prime Minister will also lay the foundation stone of about 1,500 overbridges and underbridges on roads in various states during a function. More than 2,000 railway stations will participate in the ceremony through digital medium. The Prime Minister will attend the ceremony through video conference. Around 50,000 school students will also be given awards during this function.
50,000 prizes will be awarded
These students had participated in speech, essay and poetry writing competitions on the topic ‘Railways of 2047-Developed India’ organized by Indian Railways in 4,000 schools. Around four lakh students had participated in various competitions and around 50,000 awards would be given away by Divisional Railway Managers and senior railway officials during the function.
What is Amrit Bharat Station Scheme?
Amrit Bharat Station Scheme was launched to develop the stations of Indian Railways. The ‘Roof Plaza’ is envisioned to be developed on the rooftops of the stations as a food court, a small play area for small children and a space for the sale of local products.
This includes improving amenities at stations through accessibility, waiting rooms, toilets, lifts or escalators, cleanliness, free WiFi, kiosks for local products through schemes like ‘One Station, One Product’, improved passenger information system, etc. This includes preparation of master plans and their implementation in phases.
The plan also includes creation of specific executive lounges and business meeting spaces keeping in mind the requirement at each station. It envisages improvement of buildings, integration of stations on both sides of the cities, multimodal integration, facilities for persons with disabilities, provision of ballastless tracks, roof plazas as per requirement, phasing and feasibility and creation of a city center at the station in the long term. Has been.
The plan envisages a gradual transition to sustainable and environment-friendly solutions as per the availability of funds and the condition of existing assets. To ensure easy access, it also proposes widening of roads, removal of unwanted structures, properly designed signage, dedicated walkways, well-planned parking areas and better lighting. Under this scheme, high level platforms (760 to 840 mm) have been envisaged at all categories of stations.
As per the plan, the length of the platforms will generally be 600 metres. So far, 1,318 stations have been selected under the Amrit Bharat Station Scheme based on proposals received from zonal railways and stations located in major cities and towns.