Air India issued new guideline: Air India fixes bindi size and earring style for women crew members

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The Tata group is engaged in making Air India one of the best airlines in the world again. Since the command of Air India came in the hands of Tata, many changes have been made in it.

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Now a new guideline has also been issued for the grooming of the crew members. Now female and male crew members will have to prepare themselves according to these guidelines. According to the new guideline, now the size of bindi, number of bangles and color of lipstick and nail paint have been fixed for women crew members.

In the new guideline of Air India, employees have also been advised not to wear off-duty company uniforms and accessories. Air India has now made it mandatory to apply hair gel. Also, the male crew members who have some hair flying from their heads, will now have to keep their heads clean-shaven. Crew cut has now been completely banned.

Size of bindi and number of bangles

Women crew members have now been advised not to wear pearl earrings. They can put only gold or silver round shaped earrings in their ears. The crew members of Air India who wear saree, can apply bindi only of 0.5 cm. Apart from this, they will be allowed to wear only one bangle in their hands, which will neither have any design nor stones.

A very detailed guideline has been issued for women cabin crew. She will no longer be able to do high top knots hairstyle. Only four black bobby pins will be allowed in the hair. Apart from this, eyeshadow, lipstick, nail paint and hair color have also been prescribed. They also have to be followed strictly. It will be completely prohibited to apply lipstick and nail paint of the color of your choice.

It is necessary to color hair

In the new guideline of Air India, it has been said that for female and male employees, whose hair has turned white, they will have to color their hair. The color should also be natural. Application of fashion color and henna will not be allowed. Apart from this, no religious symbol will be allowed to be tattooed on the neck, wrist and ankle. Air India has advised its employees not to wear company uniforms and accessories while off duty.

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