Agricultural Land NOC: Now it is necessary to take NOC for construction on agricultural land in this state. check details

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UP Construction On Agricultural Land NOC Process: Different rules have been made for different works in every state of India. There are many rules for farming in them. Which all people have to follow.

The Uttar Pradesh government has made a big change in the rules for the people doing farming in the state. Under this, now farmers cannot do any kind of construction on the land used for farming without permission.

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Earlier, farmers did not need to take permission from anywhere for construction on agricultural land. But now the Uttar Pradesh government has banned such construction without permission. It is necessary to first take NOC for this. Where will you get NOC to build a house on agricultural land? Let us tell you.

NOC is necessary for construction on agricultural land

The Uttar Pradesh government has made a big change regarding agricultural land. Now no one will be able to construct on the land used for agriculture without permission. This decision has been taken to stop illegal construction of houses and commercial buildings on the land used for agriculture in cities in Uttar Pradesh. Now if anyone wants to construct something on agricultural land, then it will be necessary to first take permission from the administration.

Where will I get the NOC from?

The Uttar Pradesh government has also issued this order to stop illegal construction being done by land mafias on agricultural land. The Uttar Pradesh government has stated in its order that to get construction done on agricultural land, first an NOC will have to be taken from the administration. According to the order, it will be necessary to get an NOC from the concerned development authority for this. After this, the District Magistrate and Divisional Commissioner will have to check the NOC before construction. Only then will the construction be able to start. No construction will be possible without an NOC.

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