Adhaar Card Helpline: Employees are demanding extra charge for updating Aadhar card, complain here

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Aadhaar Card: UIDAI provides the facility to update Aadhaar to all its Aadhaar card holders. You can update all types of information like name, mobile number, gender, biometric details etc. in Aadhaar.

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Nowadays Aadhar card has become as important a document as passport. Aadhaar card has become mandatory till the TTE shows one’s identity in the train, gets the SIM card or gets the gas cylinder numbered. The government launched Aadhaar card in the year 2010 which is the identity card of every person.

UIDAI provides the facility to update Aadhaar to all its Aadhaar card holders. You can update all types of information like name, mobile number, gender, biometric details update etc. in Aadhaar. You can update these both online and offline.

If you are going to update Aadhaar details in any Aadhaar center, then know how much fee can be demanded from you for updating each information. If someone asks for more money than the fixed fee, then in such a situation you can lodge a complaint by emailing or by calling number 1947. Come, we are giving you information about the fees charged for updating Aadhaar details-

This much fee will have to be paid to update Aadhaar

  • You will not have to pay any fee for Aadhaar Enrolment.
  • You will have to pay a fee of Rs 100 for biometric update.
  • You will not have to pay any fee for biometric updates of children.
  • To change your demographic details like name, gender, date of birth and home address, you will have to pay a fee of Rs 50.
  • If you want, you can get information about Aadhaar update fee by scanning the barcode through UIDAI.

Many times, when you want to get something updated in the Aadhaar card , the employees present at the Aadhaar center ask you for extra money from the prescribed fee in the name of getting the work done quickly. In such a situation, today we will tell you what you can do if you are asked for more money, but before that it is important to know what work is done at the Aadhaar center and what is the fee for which work. .

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