Aadhaar Updation Rules Changed: UIDAI started this free facility for the benefit of Aadhaar holders

Aadhaar Card Rules
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Aadhaar Card update: If you also want to update your Aadhaar, then this news is for you. Yes, till now you had to pay Rs 25 for updating Aadhaar. But now it will not seem.

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The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has given the facility to update the Aadhaar document online for free till June 14. That is, now you will not have to pay the fixed amount on the earlier side. This information was given to UIDAI in an official statement.

Had to pay 25 rupees now

Till now people had to pay 25 rupees to update their documents on the Aadhaar portal. According to the official statement, ‘The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has decided to allow people to update their Aadhaar documents online free of cost. This step will benefit lakhs of people. The free service is available for the next three months i.e. from March 15 to June 14, 2023.

There will be a fee of Rs 50.

As per the Aadhaar Enrollment and Update Regulations, 2016, Aadhaar number holders can update their supporting documents at least once every 10 years from the date of enrollment for Aadhaar. The statement said that this service is free only on the Aadhaar portal and a fee of Rs 50 will continue to be paid at physical Aadhaar centers as before.

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