Aadhaar Big Update: Update mobile number and e-mail ID in your Aadhaar card by yourself, no need to visit Aadhaar center

Aadhaar Card Verification: How to identify genuine Aadhaar card, these are easy steps
Aadhaar Card Verification: How to identify genuine Aadhaar card, these are easy steps
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Aadhaar Card Big Update: The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) on Tuesday launched a new facility on its website and mobile app, with the help of which people will be able to easily verify the mobile phone and e-mail ID linked to Aadhaar.

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In some cases, it was observed that people did not even know which mobile number was linked to their Aadhaar. Keeping this in mind, this step has been taken. UIDAI said in a statement that due to this, people used to worry that if Aadhaar OTP goes to some other mobile number, then they will not know. Now with this facility, people can easily find out which mobile or e-mail ID is linked to their Aadhaar.

No need to go to Aadhaar center

According to the statement, this facility can be availed through the official website or m-Aadhaar app under the ’email/mobile number’ verification feature. This facility notifies people even when a mobile number is not linked and informs them to update their mobile number. Residents will see a message on the screen if the mobile number is already verified.

The message will say that the mobile number entered by you is already verified from our records. If anyone does not remember the mobile number which he/she had given while taking the Aadhaar number, then in that case he/she can check the last three digits of the mobile number under the new facility on ‘My Aadhaar’ portal or mAadhaar App.

Update yourself like this

Explain that to verify the mobile number and email ID, you have to go to the official website of UIDAI https://myaadhaar.uidai.gov.in or mAadhaar app and click on verify email / mobile number. After that you can update by following the mentioned steps.

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