Annual Life Certificate: Pensioners can submit in these five ways

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Annual Life Certificate Update: Like government pensioners, even pensioners under EPFO ​​have to submit their Annual Life Certificate. Whose last date is 30 November 2022.

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Annual Life Certificate Last Date: On September 1, 2014, the government started giving a minimum pension of Rs 1,000 a month to pensioners under the Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS), 1995. According to PIB’s August 1, 2022 release, the government contributes 1.16 per cent of the member’s earnings to the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO). Like government pensioners, even pensioners under EPFO ​​have to submit their Annual Life Certificate. Whose last date is 30 November 2022.

Pensioners can submit life certificate at these places

  • Pension Disbursing Bank
  • common service center
  • IPPB / Indian Post Office / Postman
  • Nearest EPFO ​​Office
  • Umang App


  • ppo number
  • Bank account details
  • aadhaar number
  • aadhaar linked mobile number

How to submit Life Certificate on UMANG App?

  1. Open UMANG app in your mobile.
  2. Connect the biometric device and click on the UMANG app on your mobile.
  3. Click on Generate Life Certificate.
  4. Enter Aadhaar/VID number and mobile number. Provide your Aadhaar number registered with PPO.
  5. Enter OTP.
  6. Enter all the details required such as PPO number, pension type and account number.
  7. Use STQC certified registered biometric device for the verification process.

By filling all the required details, UMANG App successfully completes the Pensioners Authentication and generates Life Certificate ID.

Who are not required to submit life certificate

Note that the life certificate of EPS pensioners is valid for one year from the date of submission, while for others it is considered valid from the date of submission in November. As per the tweet, 95 pensioners of EPS who started receiving their pension less than a year ago or who filed their life certificate on or after December 2021, are exempted from submitting it in November 2022. The validity of the Life Certificate is 12 months from the date of pre-submission. Submit Life Certificate within 12 months from the date of submission of earlier Life Certificate.

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