Teacher Transfers: Big news regarding teacher transfers, government takes important decision…

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The government is going to lift the ban on transfers in schools and colleges of Himachal Pradesh as soon as the new academic session begins. Transfers of teachers will be done in schools from April 1 to 30 and in colleges from May 1 to 15.

Before lifting the ban, the education department has asked aspiring teachers who have completed their service in tribal areas to give their options in five schools with vacant posts by March 15.

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They will have to apply to the high and primary directors for transfer. The education directors will have to send transfer proposals to the government by March 20. Transfer orders will be issued after the approval of the Chief Minister. Mutual transfer of teachers will not be considered. An official order was issued by the education secretary on Friday.

The decision was taken in a review meeting

chaired by Education Minister Rohit Thakur recently. After getting approval from Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu, Education Secretary Rakesh Kanwar has issued a letter to the Directorate of Higher Education and Directorate of Elementary Education informing them about the decision regarding the transfer of teachers. The government has prepared new guidelines for teachers currently working in tribal areas.

These teachers will be able to apply for transfer.

Teachers in these areas who have completed their normal tenure will have to apply for transfer. Five options will also have to be given for the stations with vacant posts. After scrutiny of the applications, both the directors will submit the transfer proposal to the government by March 20, 2025 for final approval. Orders will be issued after the ban on transfer is lifted. Apart from this, employees working in general areas who have completed 3 years of service at a station will also be considered for transfer.

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