Passport latest Update: Now passport will not be made without birth certificate, it is necessary for these people

New Passport Service
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Passport New Rule: Now foreign travel may be a bit difficult for those born after October 1, 2023. Actually, the central government has changed the passport rules. Under this, birth certificate will be the only proof of date of birth for people born on or after October 1, 2023 to apply for passport. To implement this, the government has amended the Passport Rules, 1980.

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What is the new rule?

However, according to the notification issued by the government, this rule will come into effect only when it is published in the official gazette. Under the new rules, only the birth certificate issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Municipal Corporation, or any other institution authorized under the Birth-Death Registration Act, 1969 will be considered valid.

Currently, people applying for passport born before 1 October 2023 can submit other documents like driving license, school leaving certificate to prove their date of birth. The government said in its notification that this change has been made with the aim of making the passport application process more organized and transparent.

How many types of passports are issued by the Indian Government?

Let us tell you that passport is a document through which the Government of India allows its citizens to travel abroad. The Government of India issues a total of four types of passports and these are of four different colors. Each color has its own special significance, because it is issued to different categories of people.

Blue Passport – It is issued to the general citizens of India. Through this passport, Indian citizens can travel abroad for personal reasons.

Orange Passport – It is issued to Indian citizens who go abroad to work as migrant workers.

White Passport – This is a type of official passport, which is issued to diplomats and high-ranking officials of the Government of India.

Maroon Passport – This passport is issued to Indian government officials and diplomats for special official purposes.

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