These People Don’t Need a Passport to Travel the World – Do you know ?

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Passport is considered the most important document to go to any other country. It is the thing through which you can travel around the world. Any big VIP of the country needs a passport to travel abroad. Not only this, big and small personalities also get entry to other countries through a passport.

But do you know, there are 3 people in the world who can travel to any country without a passport? You read that right, these three people can travel to any country without a passport. After hearing this, many questions must be coming to your mind like, if they do not travel with this passport, then which passport do they have? Or do they not need a passport to travel to any country? So let us answer all these questions of yours through this article.

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The passport system was started in 1924.

First of all, let us tell you when the passport was introduced. Let us tell you that in the 20th century, it was felt that if the passport system is not started between countries, it will pose a threat to the security of that country. Since you cannot enter any country without giving any information, it is a threat to that country. Due to this, in the year 1920, the League of Nations decided to start the passport system and America took the initiative and issued the passport system in the year 1924.

Who are the three people who do not need a passport?

Now we tell you about the three people in the world who can travel to any country without a passport. Actually, this privilege has been given to King Charles of Britain and the King and Queen of Japan. The King and Queen of Japan who have this privilege are Naruhito and his wife Masako.

Before this, Queen Elizabeth had this right .

Before Charles, Queen Elizabeth had this right; as long as she was Queen, she could travel to any foreign country without a passport. She was not given any kind of passport. However, her close friends or relatives had diplomatic passports. Similarly, now that Charles has become King, he has got this right, while his family needs a passport to travel abroad.

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