New update for employees! 46% dearness allowance has been confirmed! check all details

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Budget 2024: You will get 3 days leave in the new year but salary will reduce! Government will announce new rules in the budget
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DA Hike: Central employees will now become rich for sure. There has been a tremendous increase in his dearness allowance. Now it is confirmed that in the coming months, dearness allowance (DA Hike) will come at the rate of 46 per cent, not 42 in the pocket of the employees.

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Actually, there has been a bumper increase in the DA Score for July 2023. DA score for the month of April has been released. There has been a big jump in this. According to the AICPI index, it has gained 0.72 points. It has been confirmed that in July 2023, dearness allowance for employees will increase by 4% and it will increase to 46%.

What is the new update for employees?

The dearness allowance of central government employees is decided on the basis of All India Consumer Price Index (AICPI). These numbers are released at the end of every month. On the basis of this, it is known that till the revision to be held in the next 6 months, how much the DA score has reached. The index number for the month of April 2023 has been released. In this, the CPI(IW)BY2001=100 stood at 134.02 in April as against 133.3 in March. There has been a big jump of 0.72 points in this.

It is confirmed that by how much the dearness allowance will increase?

The number of dearness allowance increasing in July 2023 for central employees is almost confirmed. Experts were already claiming that there would be a total increase of 4 per cent in DA Hike. But, now the AICPI index is also pointing in this direction. There has also been a big jump in the DA score determined by the index numbers.

As per the current data, the total DA score has reached 45.04%. This is 0.58 percent more than in March. The numbers for May and June are yet to come. In such a situation, it is certain that after two months of numbers, 46 percent dearness allowance will be confirmed. That means there will be a total increase of 4 percent in DA.

When did the DA score come?

Under the 7th pay commission, the Labor Bureau has released the numbers of All India Consumer Price Index (Industrial Workers) for 4 months. Among these, the index was strong in January. There was a slight decline in February. But, the DA score had increased in February. There was a good jump in the index once again in March.

The index has increased from 132.7 points to 133.3 points. Now a big jump has been seen in April. The number of the index has reached 134.02. At the same time, the DA score has reached 45.04 percent. The DA score was 43.08 per cent in January, 43.79 per cent in February and 44.46 per cent in March. Now the May numbers will be released at the end of June. Its 30 June will be on Friday.

Month CPI(IW)BY2001=100 DA% Monthly Increase
Jan 2023 132.8 43.08
Feb 2023 132.7 43.79
Mar 2023 133.3 44.46
Apr 2023 134.02 45.04


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