8th Pay Commission: When will the 8th Pay Commission be implemented, the government gave a big update

8th Pay Commission: When will the 8th Pay Commission be implemented, the government gave a big update
8th Pay Commission: When will the 8th Pay Commission be implemented, the government gave a big update
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8th Pay Commission: The employees of the country were waiting for the increase in their salaries and allowances for a long time. Recently the government had approved a 4 percent increase in the dearness allowance of employees. Now the dearness allowance (DA) to the employees has reached 50 percent. But, the government has not yet discussed the formation of a new pay commission. But, it is expected that this year the government can give them a huge gift. Soon a new pay commission will be formed for them.

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For your information, let us tell you that to make changes in the salary structure of central employees, the government constitutes a Pay Commission every ten years. The salary of central employees is decided on the basis of its recommendations . So far seven pay commissions have been formed. The first pay commission in the country was formed in January 1946. Similarly, the previous i.e. seventh pay commission was constituted on February 28, 2014.

The recommendations of this commission were implemented in the year 2016. Now the central employees are eagerly waiting for the eighth pay commission. It was believed that he might get good news in the election year. But the government has once again made it clear that at present it does not have any proposal under consideration to create an eighth pay commission.

Minister of State for Finance Pankaj Choudhary, in reply to a written question in the Rajya Sabha, said that the government does not have any proposal under consideration for the formation of the 8th Pay Commission. The government has already said several times that there should be no need to constitute another Pay Commission to review the salaries, allowances and pensions given to central employees and pensioners as per the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission. But work should be done on a new system to review and amend the pay matrix. The government is working on a system by which the salary of employees will increase on the basis of their performance.

DA increase announced

Organizations associated with employees and pensioners are expected to constitute the eighth pay commission. At present there are about 48.62 lakh central employees and 67.85 lakh pensioners in the country . Dearness allowance is increased twice a year. Similarly, pensioners get dearness relief. The first increase in DA is for the period from January to June while the second will be for the period from July to December . Currently it is 46 percent of the basic salary.

Now more than one crore employees and pensioners of the central government have got the gift of 4 percent increase in dearness allowance payable from January 1st. The increase in DA/DR rates by 4 percent has been approved in the Union Cabinet meeting. With this increase, the current rate of DA has reached 46 to 50 percent. The rule is that if the DA rate crosses 50 percent, the pay scale and other allowances also increase. After this, central employee organizations can also put pressure on the government to constitute the Eighth Pay Commission.

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