8th Pay Commission: Big Update on 8th Pay Commission! Know the latest information related to salary instantly

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8th Pay Commission: The Central Government on Monday gave a big update on the formation of the 8th Pay Commission for the Central Government employees. The Center announced that it is not considering a proposal to set up the 8th Central Pay Commission for its employees. Union Minister of State for Finance Pankaj Chaudhary informed the Parliament while answering a question. The government was asked, ‘Is the Center considering a proposal to ensure timely constitution of the 8th Central Pay Commission so that it can be implemented on January 1, 2026?’

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Regarding the reasons for not implementing the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission, the Minister said that the Union Cabinet did not consider the issue while approving the revision of pay and allowances on the basis of the 7th Pay Commission. has done. In view of rising inflation, he highlighted other measures being taken by the government to increase the salary. To compensate for the fall in the actual value of their wages due to inflation, Dearness Allowance (DA) is paid, he said.

Changes twice a year

The DA rate is revised every 6 months based on the rate of inflation under the All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers. The Minister reiterated that the Chairman of the 7th CPC, forwarding his report in para 1.22, had recommended that the metrics may be reviewed from time to time without waiting for the long period of 10 years.

Salaries, Allowances and Pensions of Employees

He also replied that, ‘Is it also true that 7 CPC had recommended that the Government should pay the employees and pensioners every year instead of creating a new Pay Commission after a long period of 10 years? Salary, allowances and pension should be reviewed?’ Choudhary replied that it can be reviewed and amended on the basis of Acroyd formula.

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