7th Pay Matrix Update: Employees will get double bonanza in the new year, fitment factor will increase with DA, government has given information!

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7th Pay Commission Update: There is great news for Central Government Employees. The year 2023 is going to bring a big gift for the employees.

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According to the information received from the government, employees can get double good news in the new year. Apart from DA Hike, the government is also going to take a big decision on the Fitment Factor.

DA will get 41 to 43 percent

Let us tell you that the dearness allowance of the employees can be increased at the rate of 4 or 5 percent, after which the dearness allowance received by the employees can be from 41 to 43 percent. Apart from the increase in DA, the employees will also get many special gifts.

Due to the bumper increase in DA, there will be a huge increase in the salary of the employees. Apart from this, the government can also take a decision on the outstanding arrears of 18 months. The demand for arrears of 18 months has been going on for a long time.

Decision will also be taken on the fitment factor The government can also take a decision on the fitment factor. The fitment factor has been getting 2.57 times since the year 2016, but at present the central employees are demanding to increase it to 3.68 times. If any kind of decision is taken on this by the government, then there will be a big increase in the salary of the employees.

How much was the salary increased last time? 

Let us tell you that last time when the government had increased the fitment factor, the salary of the employees had increased three times. The salary of the employees was directly increased from 6000 to 18000. This time if the government accepts the demand of the employees, then the salary will increase from 18,000 to 26,000.

Lakhs of people got the benefit, let us tell you that the government had recently decided to increase the DA, after which the DA of the employees increased by 4 percent to 38 percent. 48 lakh employees and 68 lakh pensioners got a big benefit from this decision of the government.

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