7th Pay Commission DA Hike: Central employees can be given a big gift for the increase in basic salary from July. In the year 2016, the government implemented 7 CPC, then there was a big increase in the minimum salary of the employees.
Now once again this increase can happen. According to media reports, preparations are being made to increase the fitment factor of the employees. Increasing the fitment factor will mean an increase in the minimum salary of the employees.
How much salary will increase
When the Seventh Pay Commission was implemented, the minimum salary of the employees was 6 thousand rupees, but after that the minimum salary became 18000 rupees. The fitment factor is fixed at 2.57 times the basic salary, but there is a demand from the employees to increase it by 3 times. With the three times increase in the fitment factor, the minimum salary of the employees will be Rs 26,000.
Basic salary of employees will also increase
Under the Seventh Pay Commission, it has been decided to increase the fitment factor by 2.57 times. This means that when the fitment factor increases, the salary will also increase, because the total salary is calculated by multiplying allowances like dearness allowance, traveling allowance, house rent allowance, basic salary with the fitment factor. If you understand from example, multiplying the fitment factor on 18 thousand minimum salary, the salary will be more than 42 thousand, which includes allowances. On the other hand, if the fitment factor is tripled, then the basic salary will increase further.
4 percent DA increase expected
It has been said in many media reports that the government can further increase the dearness allowance in the salary of the employees. This gift of increase can be received in July. The government can increase the DA of the employees by 4 percent. However, these hikes can be decided only on the basis of AICPI figures.
What is included in the salary of the employees
First of all, minimum salary is given to the employees. After this the fitment factor is added to it. Then dearness allowance, traveling allowance, HRA and other allowances are included in it.
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