7th pay commission: Order issued regarding DA of employees, know how much dearness allowance increased

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But let us tell you that there has not been any increase in dearness allowance or DA of central government employees yet. This information has been given by the government.

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The government informed In fact, a letter from the Department of Expenditure is floating on social media for the past few days. It has been told in this letter that the government has increased the DA of central employees by 4 percent.

It has been told in this letter that now the dearness allowance of the employees has been increased by 4% to 38%. This increased dearness allowance has become effective from July.

Now PIB has investigated this and in PIB Fact Check this letter has been described as completely fake. Let us tell you that this letter has been issued on 23 August. When PIB investigated it, it came to know that the information given in it is completely wrong.

Recommendations of 7th Pay Commission

It is worth noting that on the basis of the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission, dearness allowance is increased twice every year on half yearly basis.

Accordingly, the government has increased in January 2022 for the first half of this year. Let us tell you that this time the government had increased the dearness allowance of the employees by 3 percent.

No announcement has been made yet on dearness allowance for the second half i.e. from July to December. But according to the data of AICPI, it is sure to increase.

When will the 8th pay commission come?

Meanwhile, a flurry had also started regarding the eighth pay sum. But the government says that no proposal to set up the 8th Central Pay Commission for central employees is under consideration. That is, the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission will remain applicable.


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