7th Pay Commission: Government paid the outstanding DA and Arrear, the employees should check the account immediately

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7th Pay Commission: It is very important to know about pension and dearness allowance in any job. Because whether the job is permanent or temporary, keeping pension and dearness allowance for an assistance has become mandatory these days. A person earns money in two ways, first by doing job and second by doing business. There is risk in business but there is no limit if it starts making profit.

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There is complete security in the same job, but the person gets very little promotion in this. Anyone who is afraid of taking risks always gives priority to the job. Because even though a certain amount is received mentally in this, but there is complete security in it.

If you are a central employee and there is any central employee among your relatives or friends, then there is great news for him. If you are a central employee or keep an eye on the headlines going on in the country, then you must know that 7th pay commission remains a topic of discussion every day. Under the Pay Commission, the salary of all central employees is increased. Pay Commission was established on 31st January 1992.

Let us make you aware that the Maharashtra government has paid the arrears under the 7th Pay Commission even before announcing the third installment. In the middle of July to August this year, the third installment which was pending in the account of all the employees will now come. The third installment has been successfully released by the central government. 

When will the employees get the fourth installment

  • In Maharashtra, in the year 2019, the 7th Pay Commission was implemented for the employees of the Zilla Parishad and Municipal Corporation along with the employees of the State Government. 
  • After this, the government has made sure that in the year 2019-20 to 5 years and in 5 installments, their dues are going to be paid to the employees . 
  • Let us tell you that under this, the employees have got the benefit of two installments so far and the third installment has started coming. After this, the fourth installment will be sent to the account of all central employees. 
  • Ever since this decision has been taken by the government, there has been an atmosphere of happiness in the minds of all the central employees. 
  • Money has started coming in the account of all central employees. If you are an employee of Maharashtra Government, then you may need to check the account for this. Apart from this, all the officers of Group A in the employees will get the benefit of ₹ 30000 to ₹ 40000. 
  • On the other hand, the officers of the group can also benefit from ₹ 20000 to ₹ 30000. Apart from this, the Group C officers got the benefit of ₹ 10000 to ₹ 15000 and all the officers of the fourth category got the benefit of ₹ 8000 to ₹ 10000. 
  • You should also be made aware that all government center employees of Maharashtra are getting the benefit of 31% DA. 

Seventh Pay Commission

  • The Seventh Pay Commission was brought before the public on January 1, 2016. At that time the chairman of the Seventh Pay Commission was Ashok Kumar Mathur. 
  • The first Pay Commission was constituted on 1 January 1992. The presidency at that time was taken over by Mrs. Janaki Patnaik. 
  • The Second Pay Commission was brought before the public in 1995 when it was headed by Mrs. Mohini Giri. 
  • The Third Pay Commission was brought before the public in January 1999. The presidency at that time was with Mrs. Vibha Parthasarathy. 
  • The Seventh Pay Commission was constituted as a result of the recommendation of a government board created by the central government. 
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