7th pay commission: Government employees got good news on DA, 4% increase in these 2 states

Government has increased the DA of these employees from 42% to 46 %
Government has increased the DA of these employees from 42% to 46 %
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7th pay commission: After the Center, many states of the country have increased the Dearness Allowance (DA) of their employees by 4 percent. In this episode, now the government of Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh has given good news to its employees and pensioners.

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The government of Uttar Pradesh has announced a 4% hike in Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief for state employees and pensioners. This will be effective from January 1. With this hike, DA has gone from 38% to 42% and will affect around 27.35 lakh people.

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Announcement in Tamil Nadu as well: At the same time, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin has also approved a 4 percent increase in DA for state government employees and pensioners. After this, the DA of the employees has increased from 38 percent to 42 percent. According to the statement issued by the government, it will be effective from 1 April 2023.

This decision of the government will help 16 lakh state employees, teachers, retired and family pensioners. The move to increase DA for Tamil Nadu government employees will put an additional burden of Rs 2,366.82 crore annually on the exchequer.

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