7th Pay Commission: Good news for central employees before the new year, dearness allowance will increase by this much

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7th Pay Commission Latest News: Due to continuous increase in AICPI index, the way for DA hike of 65 lakh employees to be held in January on New Year is almost clear. On the basis of this, there is a definite increase of 4 percent in the DA of the employees.

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7th Pay Commission DA Hike: If you yourself or someone in your family is a central government employee, then great news is waiting for them in the new year. Yes, on the basis of the figures released by the Labor Ministry, the way has been cleared for the increase in Dearness Allowance in January. Before the new year, the way for DA Hike of central employees has been cleared.

AICPI index figures for August have been released by the Labor Ministry. 1.2 point increase in AICPI index Compared to September 2022, there has been an increase of 1.2 points in the AICPI index figure for October. It has increased to a level of 132.5 in October, while it was 131.3 percent in September. Earlier in August this figure was 130.2 points.

There has been a steady increase in this since July. Due to its continuous increase, the way for DA hike (Dearness allowance) of 65 lakh employees to be held in January on the new year is almost clear. On the basis of this, there is a definite increase of 4 percent in the DA of the employees. By how much will the DA increase? After increasing the DA by 4 percent in July, the dearness allowance of the central employees had increased to 38 percent.

Now after increasing it again by 4 percent, it will increase to 42 percent. After this increase, there will be a significant increase in the salary of the employees. Let us tell you that under the Seventh Pay Commission (7th Pay Commission), the DA (DA Hike) of central employees is increased twice a year. DA of January 2022 and July 2022 has been announced. Now the DA of January 2023 will be announced.

Who releases the data?

Let us tell you that it is decided on the basis of AICPI index that how much will be the increase in dearness allowance? On the last working day of every month, the figures of All India Consumer Price Index (AICPI) are released by the Labor Ministry. This index has been prepared for 88 centers and for the entire country.

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