7th Pay Commission: Good news! Dearness allowance of central employees will increase by 41% , know details

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7th Pay Commission employees are going to get good news once again. This time there will be an increase of 3% in Dearness Allowance i.e. DA. Meaning after some time DA will increase to 41 percent.

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This increase will happen in January 2023. This has come to the fore after analyzing the data coming out of inflation. If we look at the current figures, there will be an increase of 3 percent in dearness allowance. If it is assumed that there will be an increase of only 3 percent, then the dearness allowance will increase to 41 percent. With this, there will be a good increase in the salary of central employees.

Based on the AICPI Index The dearness allowance of central employees is estimated on the basis of AICPI index. The Labor Ministry has released the data of All India Consumer Price Index (AICPI). The index has been prepared for 88 centers and for the entire country. The industrial inflation data for the previous month is released on the last working day of every month.

Dearness allowance of employees increased to 38 percent Recently, the central government has increased the dearness allowance of central employees to 38 percent. Its payment has also started getting along with their salary. But, now once again the numbers of his next dearness allowance have started coming.

The next dearness allowance is to be announced in the year 2023. Inflation figures from July 2022 to December 2022 will decide how much dearness allowance will increase in January 2023. Now the figures for two months i.e. July and August have come. It is being estimated that the next time also there will be an increase of 3 percent in the dearness allowance of central employees.

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