7th Pay Commission: DA of central employees will increase from 38% to 42%

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7th Pay Commission Update: The government can give very good news to the central employees of the country in the cabinet meeting to be held today. In the meeting of PM Modi’s Union Cabinet today, a major decision can also be taken regarding the dearness allowance of the government employees.

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The issue of dearness allowance of central employees has been in discussion for a long time. Many big and important decisions can be sealed in this cabinet meeting. Along with this, a big decision can be taken regarding corona cases because since a few days this disease has started wreaking havoc.

According to the information received from the sources, keeping in view the Karnataka assembly elections to be held soon, some major decisions regarding the development plans of the state can also be taken in this cabinet meeting. Please tell that the meeting of the Central Cabinet is to be held at 6 pm today. In which the government can approve many decisions.

Decision can be taken today

A decision may be taken in the cabinet meeting to be held today regarding the increase in DA Hike of the central employees of the country under the 7th Pay Commission. Central employees can get approval for payment of 42 percent dearness allowance with an increase of 4 percent. In fact, for some time there were constant discussions about increasing the dearness allowance of central employees. There is a possibility of a big announcement regarding central employees in the special cabinet meeting to be held today.

DA will increase by this much percent

According to sources, there is a possibility of a 4 percent increase in dearness allowance for central government employees this year. And the government can announce this in the cabinet meeting to be held today. After this, the DA of central employees will increase from 38 percent to 42 percent. However, no official information has been given by the government yet.

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