4 days work and 3 days off: Now 61 companies are adopting this formula, know details

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The formula of working 4 days a week (4 Days working and 3 days off) and 3 days off has proved to be very successful. This is the reason why 61 companies in England are going to implement it.

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After the world’s largest trial of working four days, companies found that it improves productivity. The trial of working 4 days was done for 6 weeks. Now companies want to adopt the formula of working 4 days permanently. Employees of 61 companies in Britain worked 34 hours a week until June and December 2022. According to the research, 56 of these companies i.e. 92 percent have chosen the option to continue it. Whereas, 18 companies have made arrangements to make it work for 4 days permanently.

Improvement in employee productivity

4 Day Week Publish reports that the six-month trial period has significantly reduced employee stress and burnout. The report said that 71 percent of the employees believed that their burnout level was very low. Not only this, there was no complaint of anxiety, tiredness and lack of sleep. Apart from this, both mental and physical health improved.

2900 employees participated in the research

The British Research Organization has done this research along with some other groups. This report has been released in support of New Zealand’s 4-day working culture. Around 2,900 employees from different sectors participated in it.

Improvement in work life balance of employees

Work life balance of employees has improved. With this, he can easily fulfill his family and social responsibilities. Able to find time for family and relationships amidst your finances. During the trial, companies found that this increased their revenue by an average of 1.4 percent.

Employees accepted that it is better to work for 4 days

Regarding the trial of working for 4 days, the director of this trial, Joe Reilly, said that this is an important moment for the trial of working for four days. Fifteen percent of employees said that no amount of money would motivate them to accept a 5-day work schedule instead of 4 days a week. Whereas, he was already used to working for 5 days.

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